Guide til filmsøk

Vi får ofte hendvendelser og spørsmål angående søknadsprosessen. Her har vi samlet informasjon om søking som kan gjøre prosessen enklere for deg. Finner du ikke svaret på spørsmålet ditt her er det bare å ta kontakt med oss på telefon.

1. Et dumt spørsmål

One answer is that Truth pertains to the possibility that an event will occur. If true – it must occur and if false – it cannot occur. This is a binary world of extreme existential conditions. Must all possible events occur? Of course not. If they do not occur would they still be true? Must a statement have a real life correlate to be true?

2. Et ganske lurt spørsmål?

One answer is that Truth pertains to the possibility that an event will occur. If true – it must occur and if false – it cannot occur. This is a binary world of extreme existential conditions. Must all possible events occur? Of course not. If they do not occur would they still be true? Must a statement have a real life correlate to be true?